Known through the ages as the ultimate symbol of direction, assurance, bearing and certainty to many a wayfaring sailor, the towering Lighthouse pierces the dark and the fog to let the seafarer know where he is headed and leads him there.
The Lighthouse embodies the essence of Execution Edge’s Value Proposition, Taking you there!
Our Core is hinged on the key defining characteristics of The Lighthouse. We call these the 4 Lighthouse Principles. They are:
- The Beacon: The beacon serves as both a focused and intentional guide and a navigational aid. It Sets the Direction, Defines the Trajectory and Charts a Course.
- The Illuminator: Beyond pointing in the direction to go, it illuminates the path as the seafarer sails along.
- The Signal: Its light helps alert a sailor of impending danger.
- The Risk Mitigant: At the base of the lighthouse is a marker indicating its position. This gives the seafarer an assurance of his position relative to his goal thus reducing potential risks that stem from uncertainty.
The aerial view of The Lighthouse reflects our distinctive commanding position of expertise borne out of several years of cross-industry experience, making us a converging point for practicable market knowledge and skill.
We show the way forward and help our clients navigate through the competitive landscape. We lead the way, alerting them of impending threats, as we enable our clients identify and develop appropriate responses to business challenges. This makes us the reliable guide, not only in determining the best direction or strategy but also in successfully executing strategy.
At Execution Edge our overarching mission is clear. It defines the intricacies of our methods and drives the nature of our ideas. Ours is a shift from merely delivering great thinking to Making Strategy Work.